Friday, January 6, 2017

In Deep Gratitude

It is with a feeling of deep gratitude that I start this blog. 
Through this I express my indebtedness to Vipassana as taught by Late Satyanarayana Goenka. I have been a student admirer of the method for the last 20 or so years.
What I share here is not official.  Please visit for everything official.
I purport to share through this blog, my personal experience of dhamma and some Pariyatti- theoretical framework in as mundane terms as possible.  In the process I may put forth ideas which may be products of my own imagination, my own sankharas.  In such instances those ideas may please be ignored.  
My language at times may borrow heavily from Hindu stream of thought, and some of my posts may be in Telugu.  I beg to be forgiven on both accounts.

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